00 Introduction

Copyright © 2024 Michael A. Brown

      This book has been written up from notes that I gathered together over many years as a result of preaching and teaching the material contained in it in church meetings, often repeatedly so.  I had told myself many times that one day I would get around to writing this book, but had always been overawed by the size of the task involved.  The topic of end-time events and related prophetic scriptures (technically called ‘eschatology’) is a huge subject!
      However, events over the last few years have stirred me to commit myself to putting finger to computer keyboard and to get this task done.  A massive earthquake in my wife’s country in late 2019 in which many people were killed; unprecedented and widespread wildfires in Australia; the political convulsions and instability of the Brexit process, followed by widespread flooding in UK; constantly-broken records in many countries with regard to climate and weather phenomena; the extension of abortion laws in some places to include third-trimester terminations; the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East; the onward strides of artificial intelligence and the transhumanist movement; the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic; the desire of a well-known figure in the world of computing to insert a digital identity into the physical body of everyone in the world; the anticipated development of CBDCs; and the calls by two British ex-Prime Ministers to develop some form of global governance to deal with the pandemic crisis, are all either so-called ‘signs of the times’ or precursors which are leading up to the end-times scenario which the word of God speaks of.
      We have entered into a phase of human history in which what the Bible teaches regarding the events of the end of this age is coming true right before our eyes.  The Bible is as relevant today as it has ever been, and this present generation of believers is privileged to live in these times, and to be able to observe what is clearly unfolding before us.  So it is my conviction that believers need to know what the Bible teaches about these end-time events, so that they can prepare themselves for what is coming, and, by continuing to observe events as they happen in the world, they can be ready for the coming of the Lord for his bride, the believing church.  He is coming very soon!
      These blogs present an avowedly premillennial viewpoint, because, after many years studying the Scriptures impartially, it is this viewpoint which I believe best represents what the Scriptures teach.  Furthermore, it argues for a pre-Tribulation rapture of the bride of Christ, for the many reasons which are given within its pages.  My desire is not create controversy with those who may believe differently, but rather to simply present my own deeply-held convictions on these end-time matters.
      May the Lord bless you and strengthen your faith in Christ as you read these pages, and may your eyes be opened to understand not only the Scriptures, but also how they relate to the times in which we presently live!

Pastor Michael A. Brown

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